New Animation Hotline video from someone that left a message from MIFF On Edge.
New Animation Hotline video.
A little cameo in the Adobe spot…
New Animation Hotline for the Hint Fiction contest!
We are taking new messages for the Animation Hotline. The number is 212-683-2490.
This is a short story called Motherlove read by the author, Tessa Smith McGovern, inspired by a painting that hangs in the Prado Museum in Madrid, Spain titled Saturn Devouring His Son.
We are starting a new series of Animation Hotline videos so we need new messages. Please call 212-683-2490 with your stories.
Stills from upcoming Rwanda project.
Happy Mothers’ Day!
Style frames for the animated sequences in the documentary “I Married the Man Who Killed My Family” about interracial marriage in post-genocide Rwanda.
The Hold Steady video “Spinners” is posted online and ready for viewing.
Animation Hotline, 2013 will be screening at the Santa Fe Film Festival in the Light Me Up: Animated Shorts block on Saturday, May 3rd at 1PM at the Center for Contemporary Arts.
World premier for The Hold Steady music video “Spinners”.
Dusty Studio will be at the SVA Career Fair on Friday, March 28 from 12-4PM at the Metropolitan Pavilion at 128 W 18th Street. If you are an SVA student please make sure you stop by the Dusty Studio booth.
Animation Hotline will be screening in Madison, MI at the Crossroads Film Festival on Saturday, April 5 at 1:20PM at Malco, Screen C
Animation Hotline, 2013 will be screening at the River Run International Film Festival in Winston-Salem at 5PM on April 5 and 2PM on April 12 at the UNSCA Babcock.
Animation Hotline, 2013 will be screening at the Nashville Film Festival at 4:30PM on April 19th and at 1:00PM on April 21st at the Regal Cinema.