Intrepid Animated
Short Film Series
Directed by Dustin Grella
Produced by Elaine Charnov
The moving story of Former Crew Member Wesley Hays returning to his wife June Hays in our Animated Oral History.
“We just know what has to be done. ‘Cause without each other, there would be no Intrepid.” Hear the courageous story of David Benedict rescuing a fellow crew member in our Animated Oral History project.
Hear Pete Schoeffel recounts his time as a POW during the Vietnam War.
About Intrepid: The Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum is a non-profit, educational institution featuring the legendary aircraft carrier Intrepid, the space shuttle Enterprise, the world’s fastest jets, and a guided missile submarine. Through exhibitions, educational programming, and the foremost collection of technologically groundbreaking aircraft and vessels, visitors of all ages and abilities are taken on an interactive journey through history to learn about American innovation and bravery.